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 Available Reading Based Trainings:



Telehealth for the Treatment of Serious Mental Illness and Substance Use Disorders 

(3 Credit hours)


The purpose of this reading-based training is to review the literature on the effectiveness of telehealth modalities for the treatment of SMI and SUD, distill the research into recommendations for practice, and provide examples of how practitioners use these practices in their programs. This training is based on the reading-based online article, Telehealth for the Treatment of Serious Mental Illness and Substance Use Disorders created by SAMHSA in 2021.






(2 Credit Hours)


This 2-credit hour reading based training is designed to provide an overview of Xylazine. This training covers information provided across 5 articles and highlights the symptoms and health risks associated with xylazine use, prevalence of use, and prevention and harm reduction measures that can be taken to reduce the risk of Xylazine overdose.





Addressing Burnout in the Behavioral Health

Workforce Through Organizational Strategies

(2 Credit Hours)


This 2 credit reading-based training highlights organization-level interventions to prevent and reduce burnout among behavioral health workers. While the training is focused on behavioral health workers, many of these lessons may extend to other healthcare staff and organizations. This training based off the 2022 Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) publication: Addressing Burnout in the Behavioral Health Workforce Through Organizational Strategies.





Confidentiality: Understanding 42 CFR Part 2

(3 Credit Hours)


The objective of this reading-based training is to provide an overview of 42 CFR Part 2 and have each learner gain a deeper understanding of the guidelines within 42 CFR Part 2. This training is based on two reading-based online articles: Title 42: Public Health PART 2—Confidentiality of Substance Use Disorder Patient Records created by Office of the Federal Register (OFR) and the Government Publishing Office (updated as of 5/4/23), and the Frequently Asked Questions:  Applying the Substance Abuse Confidentiality Regulations to  Health Information Exchange (HIE) from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.






(2 Credit Hours)


This 2 credit hour reading-based training is intended to be a useful summary of the most up-to-date science related to marijuana and its effects on those who use it at any age. With changes in marijuana policies across states legalizing marijuana for medical and/or recreational use, it is particularly important for people to understand what is known about both the adverse health effects and the potential therapeutic benefits linked to marijuana. This training is based on the reading-based online article, Marijuana created by National Institute of Drug Abuse in 2020.





Preventing the Use of Marijuana: Focus on Women and Pregnancy

(3 Credit Hours)


This 3 credit reading-based training addresses the established health risks of marijuana use to pregnant women and their children, as well as the expanding evidence base on other potential harms of use during pregnancy. This training it based on the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) (2019) Preventing the Use of Marijuana: Focus on Women and Pregnancy manual.




Preventing Marijuana Use Among Youth

(2 Credit Hours)


This 2 credit hour reading based training explores marijuana use among youth ages 12-17, including specific neurological, behavioral, and environmental risks. This training also provides examples of effective programs and policies to address marijuana use; considerations and strategies for key stakeholders in implementing prevention efforts; and resources for evaluation and quality improvement of prevention strategies and programs. This training is based on the publication, Preventing Marijuana Use Among Youth created by SAMHSA in 2023.





Reducing Vaping Among Youth and Young Adults

(3 Credit Hours)

This 2 credit Reading-Based Training explores data and the prevalence of vaping among youth and young adults. This training also examines effective programs and policies to prevent vaping among youth and young adults, challenges to reducing e-cigarette use and vaping, and program and policy implementation strategies that can be used to address those challenges. This training is based on the 2020 reading-based article Reducing Vaping Among Youth and Young Adults from Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).





Best Practices for Successful Reentry From Criminal Justice Settings for People

Living With Mental Health Conditions and/or Substance Use Disorders

(3 Credit Hours)

This 3 credit reading-based training provides an overview of the reentry and behavioral health service needs and opportunities for individuals leaving jail or prison. It also highlights three evidence-based interventions and their associated behavioral health outcomes. This training is based off the 2023 Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) publication Best Practices for Successful Reentry From Criminal Justice Settings for People Living With Mental Health Conditions and/or Substance Use Disorders.





Ethics for Addiction Professionals

(6 Credit Hours)

This 6-credit reading-based training focuses on providing strategies to help you examine your current practice for ethical issues and strengthen your ethical thinking. This training explores the gray area of dilemmas that arise in the addiction profession and provides guidelines on how to determine the best course of action to take. This training is based on the 2013 book Ethics for Addiction Professionals by Jennifer D. Berton.




Incorporating Peer Support Into Substance Use Disorder Treatment Services

(8 Credit Hours)

This 8 hour reading-based training provides guidance on incorporating peer workers and the services they provide directly into SUD treatment and supportive programs. This training focuses on meeting the needs of peer workers and to support them in entering and succeeding in the behavioral health workforce. This training is based on the 2023 Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) publication: Incorporating Peer Support Into Substance Use Disorder Treatment Services.




Engaging Women in Trauma-Informed Peer Support 

(3 Credit hours)

This 3 credit hour reading-based training is designed to provide peer supporters with the understanding, tools, and resources needed to engage in culturally responsive, trauma-informed peer support relationships with women trauma survivors. This training is based on the Engaging Women in Trauma-Informed Peer Support: A Guidebook by Andrea Blanch, Beth Filson, and Darby Penney with contributions from Cathy Cave.




Substance Use Disorders Recovery with a Focus on Employment and Education

(3 Credit Hours)

The purpose of 3 credit hour reading-based training is to provide an overview of issues, challenges, policies, and practices related to employment and workforce training for individuals in recovery from a substance use disorder (SUD). This training is based on the reading-based online article, Substance Use Disorders Recovery with a Focus on Employment and Education created by SAMHSA in 2021




Ethics: Peer Support Values and Guidelines

(2 Credit Hours)


The objective of this2 credit hour reading-based training is to explore the values and boundaries of peer support, and how to use these values and boundaries as the basis for ethical decisions related to peer support practice. This training is based on Module  6 of the “Recovery to Practice” Manual developed by The International Association of Peer Supporters (iNAPS), in partnership with the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA).




The Science of Addiction

(2 Credit Hours)

The objective of this 2 credit hour reading-based training is to provide scientific information about drug addiction, including the many harmful consequences of drug use and the basic approaches that have been developed to prevent and treat substance use disorders. This training is based on the National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA) 2022 publication “Drugs and the Brain”.






Improving Cultural Competence

(6 Credit Hours)


The objective 6 credit hour reading based training is to assist learners in understanding the role of culture in the delivery of behavioral health services (both generally and with reference to specific cultural groups). This training has been developed based on the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Cultural Competence Treatment Improvement Protocol (TIP) Series No. 59.





Moving Beyond Change Efforts: Evidence and  Action to Support and Affirm LGBTQI+ Youth

(2 Credit Hours)


The 2 credit hour reading-based training is designed to provide readers with current knowledge about LGBTQI+ youth, a comprehensive research overview, and important information on

behavioral health concerns within this community. It also provides detailed information on helpful and harmful interventions for these populations in clinical, community, family, and school settings. This training was created from the 2023 Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA): Moving Beyond Change Efforts: Evidence and Action to Support and Affirm LGBTQI+ Youth publication.








Behavioral Health Education Services LLC


414 West 1st Street
Birdsboro, PA. 19508

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